Student Pickup System

Student Pickup System

Streamline the after school pickup process and ensure that students get home safely

Platform Overview

PLACA.AI’s high-speed license plate scanning makes picking up students after school quicker and safer by enabling teachers to match up each student to the right vehicle.

Parents can register multiple authorized vehicles for their child.

Teachers can register their students and parents. Once a parent has been registered, a parent account will be created.

Front desk staff can view which students have already departed, are still waiting, or whose parents have just arrived. They can also see who was absent that day so they know not to expect a vehicle for those students.

Add special dates with early dismissal times for easier management and automatic alerts.

Know What's Happening Around Your Property

Leverage the capabilities of license plate recognition to get a detailed view of the premises, capturing all vehicles and tracking their movement.

Make Pickups Safer

The system ensures that each student is only released to authorized people, enhancing safety.

Detect Unrecognized Vehicles

PLACA.AI instantly alerts administrators of unregistered of unrecognized vehicles, minimizing security incidents.

Provide a Record of Release

Keeps a record of when each student was picked up and who they were released to in the event of an emergency or dispute.

Manage Your System with Ease

We combine license plate recognition with cloud computing, resulting in a simple platform with advanced features.

Streamlines the Pickup Process

PLACA.AI accelerates the pickup process, reducing long lines and accidents.

Simplifies Dismissal Procedures

This method makes the pickup process more organized, notifying staff when parents have arrived to the student can be sent out.

Eliminates Confusion

The system keeps track of who is still waiting to be picked up and keeps parents notified of early dismissals.

Optimize Your Parking Operations

Access real-time data and insightful analytics that empower you to make informed decisions.

Monitor Traffic Flow

Understand the flow of traffic during pickup times and if you need to designate more pickup zones to reduce congestions.

Identify Peak Pickup Times

Ensure that there is enough staff and space to handle increased demand, minimizing idle time or bottlenecks.

Track Average Wait Times

Analyze average wait times so you can address any issues or modify operations to reduce waiting.

How it Works

PLACA.AI captures license plates in real-time, allowing school administrators to manage student pickups efficiently.


Position a PLACA.AI-connected camera at the front of the pickup line.


The camera scans the license plate when the vehicle reaches the front of the line.


Teachers and front office staff receive a notification of which vehicle has arrived.


The student is sent out to the vehicle and the time of pickup is recorded.


*per camera
30 days of data retention
Maximum of 2 cameras per enforcement vehicle

Simplify Management for All Users

PLACA.AI’s cloud-based platform simplifies management for all users, whether you’re a parent, teacher, or administrator. You get real-time updates, improving communication between all roles.

Parental Account

Parents can receive special dismissal notifications, authorize additional pickup vehicles, and monitor release.

Administrator Portal

Administrators can view parent arrivals, send out notifications of early dismissals, and oversee data.

Teacher Dashboard

Instructors can manage student and parent information, verify pickup permissions, and view alerts.

Experience the Power of the Cloud with PLACA.AI

PLACA.AI utilizes the cloud’s powerful processing capabilities to streamline setup, management, and scalability, all while guaranteeing reliable performance.

Simple Management

Connect multiple cameras in various locations to one centralized online platform for easy management.

Plug & Play

PLACA.AI is compatible with any IP camera and you can start recording instantly after connecting to the cloud.

Cloud Storage

Storing data in the cloud gives you the flexibility to increase your storage capacity without purchasing hardware.

Advanced Recognition

PLACA.AI uses artificial intelligence to detect and recognize license plates more accurately and in less time.

Start Your Free Trial

Experience the features of PLACA.AI yourself today, 100% commitment-free. Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you soon with details on setting up your account.