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Properties are only managed by the Property Manager and HOA administrators. Properties can be physically accessed by the Patrol Manager with approval for patrols. The Properties section in the Property Manager and HOA admin menu allows them to add, edit, or delete properties. The details for each property are as follows:

Property Details

  • Property Name
  • Property Code
  • Gate Code
  • Property Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code

Tow Details

  • VSF (Vehicle Storage Facility)
  • Tow Fee

Manager Details

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email

Property Configuration

  • Patrol Hour Start
  • Patrol Hour End
  • Tenant Visitor Permits Enable/Disable
  • Default Pass Time
  • Reset Grace Time
  • Max. Permits per 7 Days
  • Max. Permits per 28 Days
  • Max. Allowed Visitor Permits
  • Max. Allowed Visitors per Tenant

Patrol Rules

  • Unauthorized
  • Parked on Grass
  • Altered Pass
  • Flat Tires
  • Expired Passes
  • No Parking Zone
  • Blocking Drive
  • Visitor In Resident
  • Handicap
  • Expired Stickers
  • Blocking Dumpster
  • Public Safety Threat
  • Expired Registration
  • Fire Lane
  • Double Parked
  • Abandoned Vehicle
  • Resident In Visitor
  • Head In Parking Only

Vehicle Black List

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